All Products by group

Elastic IP
A service that provides a unique Public IP connection with independent IP address

Server Load Balancer
Connectivity service that can share the workload from applications running on the server that distributes traffic between a few instances to improve service capabilities and availability

NAT Gateways
Provide the Source Network Address Translation (SNAT) and Destination Network Address Translation (DNAT) features

VPN Gateways
Allows you to connect enterprise data centers, office networks, or Internet-facing terminals to Flou Cloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks through secure and reliable connections

Express Connect
Offers an all-in-one network service by integrating the high reliability performance

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
Secure and reliable dedicated network service that provides various types of network connection

High Availability Virtual IP Address
Build high-availability active and standby services and improve business availability
What is Flou ?
We provide cloud computing services that are reliable, unlimited and fast. We understand that efficiency, security and a friendly approach is what you’re looking for, so we have come up with Flou - the latest and most state-of-the-art cloud computing service with a sophisticated security system that is easy to use by multiple industries, from SMEs, to large-scale corporations, as well as the government.

Get in Touch
If you have any questions or queries, our Flou experts will help you to find the best solution. Feel free to contact us.
Our Offices
Graha Telkomsigma BSD City
Jl. Boulevard BSD Tim, Lengkong Gudang, Serpong Sub-District, South Tangerang City
Banten 15321
Phone: 62.21. 538 8538
Fax: 62.21. 538 8505